20 November 2024Setting up Unity test framework for CMakeTaggedCCMakeEmbedded SoftwareUnity test frameworktest framework
22 March 2024Replacing Tox with Poetry and pre-commit for CI lintingTaggedToxpre-commitGitLabPythonPoetryBlackisort
15 December 2023How to set up Ansible and Vagrant in WSLTaggedAnsibleVagrantWSLWindowsUbuntuPythonVirtualBox
29 November 2023Reading from and writing to journald in PythonTaggedPythonsystemdjournaldPoetryUbuntu
22 November 2023PlantUML in Sphinx (using MyST Markdown) and GitLabTaggedPythonGitLabSphinxMarkdownMyST
29 September 2023Django REST framework performance (part 2: techniques)TaggedPythonDjangoMySQLDjango REST frameworkprofiling
22 September 2023Django REST framework performance (part 1: profiling)TaggedPythonDjangoMySQLDjango REST frameworkprofiling
⭐ 4 September 2023Poetry: Running Black and isort with pre-commit hooksTaggedGitPoetryPythonBlackisort
9 January 2023VMware Workstation VM gets sluggish then locks upTaggedubuntuvmware-workstationwindows-10
⭐ 20 April 2022Setting up Emscripten with CMake in Git Bash on Windows 10TaggedEmscriptenCSDL2CMakeGitGit BashPythonWindows 10
30 March 2022Fixing apt-key deprecation on Debian 9 ("stretch")Taggedapt-keydeprecationDebianDropboxEnpassSublime TextNodeJS
16 October 2020Permission denied in Docker container upon COPY and RUN of a file from gitTaggedGitLabDockerGitμnote
31 May 2020Workaround for installing Dropbox on Debian with libpango transitional packageTaggedDropboxDebian
2 February 2020Researching generating playing cards from an SVG template using InkscapeTaggedinkscape
16 July 2019Migrating from Tastypie to Django REST FrameworkTaggedPythonDjangoTastypieDjango REST framework
7 March 2019Configure Python package to install dependencies only for specific combinations of Python version and platformTaggedPythonμnote
25 January 2018Kombu "timed out" bug: connection hangs forever in Kombu 4.1.0TaggedCeleryRabbitMQPython